Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A Trip to Austin and the Internet

Monday was a pretty nice day out, so Brainold and I decided to head to Austin for some R&R, shredding , and to visit with some friends. We stopped by Mr. Sieben's Internet Shack to see what's going on in that neck of the woods. Unfortunately, our friends there were too busy to skate. Something about having to make money to feed their families or something along those lines. They're working on a Halloween episode and that should hopefully be up in the next week or so, unless Halloween gets delayed this year.

After the shack, Brain and I picked up our good friend Lester King for some shredding at the infamous Austin High Ditch. I really wish this spot was in San Antonio, although San Antonio has quite a few rad ditches.

Lester got down with some frontside rock n' roll slides or boardsliders or whatever you want to call it.

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